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Spark Genuine Friendships in Your 20s

Finally a way to meet new people in your 20s

It can be hard to meet people as a recent grad or young professional—especially if you value in-person friendships like we do. That's why we've created this community, with all sorts of socials to give you unique experiences to meet your new crew.

  • Skip the Swiping

    This isn't about meeting people online, swiping, and texting. We're taking socializing back to what it should be: meeting people in-person.

  • Build Your Community

    Get to know new friends in your area, and explore local hotspots in your city. You'll get the chance to connect personally with lots of people, to find the people you want to invest in.

  • Live Life Together

    Life is better with people. Find the people you want to do life with, and keep enjoying spending time together far beyond the socials.

Join the Spark

Sign ups for the Social Spark membership are open now in the Bay Area and LA. This is our newest way for you to meet people personally, casually, and frequently in your 20s, and you're invited to be a part of it.

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Who is this open to?

Our events are open to people ages 21-29 right now in the Bay Area (CA) and LA area. Many of these people are "recent grads" or young professionals who are looking for new social circles after moving away from their college towns. However, you do not have to specifically be a recent grad to attend.

How many people are in a group?

Socials have around 5 people in each one, so there are enough people to find someone you gel well with, while also keeping it more personal.

How does it work when I sign up?

Right after you sign up you'll be prompted to fill out a questionnaire about yourself, which we use as a starting point for finding groups for you. Then, at the beginning of each month, you'll get invites to different outings (coffee dates, drinks, lunches, etc) which you'll get to choose between. After each social you'll review your groups so we know who to better group you with in the future, and you can continuously meet new people to find the ones you want to keep around.

  • "Best way to get out and meet people. Brings a lot of joy in your life as an adult." -Onuva (Bay Area)

  • "I had a fantastic experience. Social Spark events are a great way to socialize and meet new people in your area!" -Ishaan (Bay Area)

  • "I thought it was a lot of fun and we had a great time this weekend. Since we are new to the area it was great to meet people and see the things to do around the area. It was great to make some friends and meet some cool people that have similar interests."

    - Austin (SLO)

  • "My experience was engaging and interesting, I didn’t know what to expect but in the end of was satisfied being able to meet strangers and make friends." -Lazaro

  • "I found the format and structure of the event to be well thought out and effective. The combination of different activities provided a good balance of social interaction and personal downtime, which I appreciated."

    - Luis (SLO)

  • “It was so fun! It was really chill, cool people and [our leader] Arnav was a great leader keeping people engaged!”​

    -  Julia (Bay Area)​

  • "Laid-back environment, easy to connect and make friends."

    - Camila (Bay Area)

  • "It was such a fun night getting to meet some interesting people and share some good memories." -Jaydan (Bay Area)

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