The Five Love Languages in Friendship: How to Speak Your BFF’s Language

By Erika Wu

Have you ever been spending time with your best friend, sharing laughs and stories, yet something feels a bit off? It might be because you’re speaking different love languages. Love languages aren't just for romantic relationships—they play a crucial role in friendships too. These five love languages—Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Gift Giving, Quality Time, and Physical Touch—help us understand what we each need to feel valued and connected in our relationships. At Social Spark, we believe that embracing these love languages can enrich your friendships and make meeting new people even more meaningful. 

Words of Affirmation

Words of Affirmation are all about expressing love through verbal or written words. Compliments, affirmations, and words of appreciation are all examples of this love language—people who love words of affirmation through verbal reinforcement feel valued when they receive encouraging words. For example, words like “I’m proud of you” can boost their confidence and make them feel valued. Whether you’re congratulating your friend’s accomplishments or acknowledging their efforts, these words can go a long way. 

One time I was nervous before a tennis match, feeling as though I wasn't good enough. My nerves were overwhelming. However, my coach and teammates provided constant positive encouragement throughout the day leading up to the game. Even though I struggled with self-doubt, their confidence in me was reassuring. Their supportive words played a crucial role in boosting my morale and helped me feel more prepared for the match.

Acts of Service

Acts of Service is about showing love through actions rather than words. This love language emphasizes going out of your way to support someone without being asked. Whether it’s by preparing a meal, running an errand, or simply offering support when it’s needed most, these gestures demonstrate care and dedication. For friends who value this love language, taking on a responsibility that can simplify their lives can show that you care for them. These actions show that you're willing to invest time and effort to make their life easier. 

When I was home from college for Thanksgiving and did not have a moment to relax. I was juggling so many things that I didn't have time to deal with the ongoing issue I had with my car. Knowing how much I disliked going to the car shop, one of my friends took the initiative to get my car an oil change and even filled the tank with gas. This generous act of service was meaningful, as it relieved a significant burden and allowed me to focus on enjoying my short break without additional stress.

Gift Giving

Gift-giving isn’t just about physical items; it’s about expressing care through thoughtful gestures. The true value lies in the sentiment behind the gift rather than its price. In friendships, gifts can celebrate important moments and show how much you value the other person. 

During a midterm week in college, I was feeling overwhelmed about my exams and upcoming finals. I was struggling in one of my classes and doubted my abilities to do well. Noticing how much I was struggling, one of my friends decided to cheer me up by giving me a bouquet—just because. This thoughtful gift made a significant difference, as it showed that she genuinely cared about me. Despite my tough week, her gesture of kindness through gift-giving was a meaningful reminder that I was supported and valued.

Quality Time

Quality Time is all about giving your undivided attention to someone and creating meaningful experiences together. Whether it’s a deep conversation or a fun activity, the key is being fully present mentally and emotionally. This love language strengthens friendships through intentional, uninterrupted interactions. A great way to incorporate more quality time into your friendships is by scheduling get-togethers. These simple hangouts create meaningful interactions that are intentional and valuable.  

Quality Time is more than being in the same place at the same time.  At Social Spark, we design our events to foster quality time, encouraging open conversations and shared experiences that help you connect on a deeper level. In our intimate gatherings, you have the opportunity to truly get to know others, building bonds that can lead to lasting friendships.

I remember the summer before I went off to college. My friends and I spent everyday together, knowing we would soon be heading off to different schools. We would make spontaneous plans and often just sit together in the car, talking for hours. These moments of spending time together showed the love we had for one another. Despite the simplicity of our plans, such as hanging out at home, the quality time we shared strengthened our bonds and made the summer memorable.

Physical Touch 

Physical Touch is a powerful way to express affection and support through physical contact. In friendships, simple gestures like hugs, high-fives, or a comforting hand on the shoulder can communicate care and create a sense of closeness. 

This summer I was participating in a tennis tournament in San Diego, where I played doubles with a new partner. Even though it was our first time teaming up, the simple act of high-fiving each other after every point proved to be incredibly reassuring. This small gesture of physical touch made me feel appreciated and reinforced that my partner was eager to be there and fully engaged in our match. Regardless of the outcome, these small moments of connection significantly enhanced the overall experience and made it more enjoyable.

Importance of Love Languages 

By understanding and embracing the five love languages—Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Gift Giving, Quality Time, and Physical Touch—you can enhance your ability to make and nurture new friendships. At Social Spark, we weave these love languages into the connections we foster, helping you connect with others in meaningful ways. 

Whether it’s through encouraging words, thoughtful actions, small gifts, shared experiences, or friendly gestures, we aim to make every interaction at Social Spark memorable. As you join us at our events, remember that each moment is an opportunity to express care and build connections that could lead to lasting friendships. Together, let’s embrace these love languages and create friendships that stand the test of time. 

The Five Love Languages in Friendship: How to Speak Your BFF’s Language
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