Let's Bring Together Recent-Divorcees in SLO!

Here at Social Spark we run in-person social events to spark friendships, and match small groups based on shared stages of life, interests, and personalities.

We have heard a growing interest in SLO for socials for recent divorcees, since it can be challenging to lose much of your social circle and not know where to begin to find a new one. We're here for sparking friendships in this stage of life, in person. No surface-level apps. Just quality, in-person connection.

About Us

Social Spark started as a Cal Poly senior project and launched in Cal Poly's Summer Accelerator program after our founder graduated in June of 2023. Focused on combatting loneliness and fostering much-needed community, we have been running in-person social events since our launch. These have mostly been for recent-college graduates, who have been struggling to meet people with remote and hybrid work. Now we are looking to expand our offerings to more groups!

Interested in Bringing this to SLO?

If we get enough interest from this demographic, we'll reach out and let you know. We hope to start sparking friendships here very soon!