Conversation Starters for Meeting People at Networking Events

By Kenzie Ryseff

Networking events can feel a bit intimidating, especially when you're new to a city or just starting out in your career. The good news? Breaking the ice doesn't have to be awkward. With the right conversation starters, you can smoothly transition from strangers to friends or professional contacts. Here are some tried-and-true conversation starters to help you make those connections at your next networking event:

The Venue or Event Itself

  • “Have you been to one of these events before?”
  • “What do you think of this venue?”
  • “How did you hear about this event?”

This is my go-to conversation starter when I'm feeling nervous. Talking about the event or venue is a natural way to start a conversation because it’s something you both have in common right from the start. For example, if you're at a tech startup mixer, mentioning the cool office space can be an easy opener.

Mutual Connections

  • “Do you know anyone else here?”
  • “I think we might have some mutual connections. Do you know [Name]?”

This can help you find common ground and make the conversation more comfortable. If you both know someone who is a mutual friend or colleague, it immediately creates a sense of familiarity. This is also a great way to bond with someone and create a relationship with them.

Work and Career

  • “What do you do for work?”
  • “How did you get started in your field?”
  • “What’s the most exciting project you’re working on right now?”

We all know that people often enjoy talking about their professional lives, and you might learn something interesting or find a way to collaborate. For instance, you might find out they're working on a project similar to yours, opening up opportunities for collaboration or advice exchange.

We've gone to some networking events ourselves recently, which can be intimidating when most people feel like real accomplished adults, but often times they actually enjoy seeing the energy of our generation.

Local Recommendations

  • “I’m new to the area. Do you have any favorite restaurants or cafes?”
  • “What’s your go-to spot for a night out around here?”

Everyone loves giving advice, and you might discover some great new spots in your city. Plus, it shows you're interested in integrating into the local culture, which can be a great bonding point.

Industry Trends

  • “Have you read any interesting articles or books related to our industry lately?”
  • “What do you think about [recent trend or event]?”

This shows that you’re engaged with your field and can lead to deeper, more meaningful conversations. For example, discussing a recent development in AI technology can provide insight into their views and expertise.

Personal Interests

  • “What do you like to do outside of work?”
  • “Have you seen any good movies or shows recently?”

Finding shared interests can help turn a professional connection into a personal friendship. Whether it's a shared love for hiking or binge-watching the latest Netflix series, these topics can make interactions more enjoyable.


  • “I love your [item of clothing/jewelry]. Where did you get it?”
  • “You seem really knowledgeable about [topic]. How did you get into it?”

Everyone loves a genuine compliment, and it can be a great way to start a conversation on a positive note. Complimenting their style or expertise shows you're observant and appreciative.

Follow Up on Previous Conversations

  • “Last time we met, you mentioned [topic]. How’s that going?”
  • “You were telling me about [project]. Any updates?”

If you’ve met someone before, showing that you remember details about them can help build a stronger connection. It shows that you value your previous interactions and are genuinely interested in their progress.

Additional Tips to Enhance Your Networking Skills

Be Mindful of Body Language

Keeping an open posture, such as facing the person you’re speaking with, helps you appear approachable and engaged. Maintaining eye contact shows interest and confidence, while a genuine smile can make a positive first impression and set a friendly tone for your conversation.

Prepare Your Introduction

Having a brief, clear introduction about who you are and what you do can make initial interactions smoother. For example, you might say, "Hi, I'm Alex. I work in digital marketing for a local tech startup." Tailor your introduction to fit the context of the event and the person you’re speaking to, ensuring it's relevant and engaging.

Use Active Listening

Show that you’re listening by nodding and giving verbal acknowledgments like “I see” or “That’s interesting.” This indicates that you value the conversation and encourages the other person to share more. Ask follow-up questions to delve deeper into what the other person is saying, demonstrating your genuine interest in their insights.

Be Genuine and Authentic

Being yourself and sharing your true interests and experiences can help build trust and rapport. If you don’t know something, it’s okay to admit it! People appreciate honesty and authenticity, which can lead to more meaningful connections.

Exchange Contact Information

Always have business cards ready to hand out to make it easy for new contacts to reach you. Or if that's too old school for you, suggest connecting on LinkedIn to stay in touch and continue the conversation beyond the event. This helps to build and maintain professional relationships.

    Final Thoughts

    Remember, the key to a successful conversation at networking events is to be genuinely interested in the person you’re talking to. Listen actively, ask follow-up questions, and share a bit about yourself as well. With these conversation starters and tips in your toolkit, you’ll be well on your way to making meaningful connections at your next networking event.

    Happy networking! 🤓

    Conversation Starters for Meeting People at Networking Events
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